Cyrus Solar Thermal is a company based in Cyprus with a vision of becoming one of the leading providers of electricity in Cyprus from solar thermal energy. With the granting of the development and operation licenses, the Company aims to construct a 50MWe CSP thermal power plant with 7-hour molten salt storage capacity.
The preliminary design of the project is for 24 hours of continuous power generation. To achieve this a natural gas supplemental combustion system whose heat exchange power is consistent with the heat exchanger of the CSP project is combined with the CSP system to generate electricity.
When the energy collected by the CSP system is insufficient, the molten salt is heated by the natural gas to fill in the energy gap The designed power of the natural gas supplemental combustion system is 114 MW (114MW * 0,44% efficiency rate of the turbine generator suggesting a capacity of 50MWe).
The preliminary typical annual power generation of the CSP system is 154.7 GWh, and the power generation of the natural gas supplemental combustion system is 283.3 GWh. The whole system can provide a total of 438 GWh of continuous power generation for an entire typical year.